Python Tutorial - Install Python and Create Simple Program

Installing Python
Its very easy to install follow steps below shown.

step 1: Visit
setp 2: click on Downloads option and as you click on then it will show you latest version of python then click on it to download.
setp 3: Dont forget to click on Add to Path
Add Python to Path

Step 4: It is installed.

Create Simple Program
If i compare python language with other language then python syntax are very easy and simple for example in c you have to write atleast 3 lines of code to print "hello world" but in python we only need to write print("hello world") to show hello world.

Lets Start To make print "Hello world"
To write program in python you can use any IDE but here i am using IDLE that is by default which is provided by python.

Step 1: Open IDLE
Starting IDLE

Setp 2: When it is started it looks like this
IDLE Shell

Step 3: Click on File->New-File Menu to make new file

Step 4: Write print method to print "Hello World"

Step 5:Before you run make sure you save the file with extension of ".py"

Congratulation,You have made your first simple program in python


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